They may be financially ruined for life. Some of them are right here -- in Washington State. They were driving on I-5, I-405, Hwy 99 or a back road anywhere in the state. Most of them thought it would never happen to them, but it did.
Did You Know? If you are involved in an auto accident without coverage, or even without enough coverage, the State has the authority to garnish your wages? That's right. And, guess how much they can take. Folks down in Olympia can reach into your pocket, take out your wallet and garnish up to 40% of your gross income. Ouch!
Before you buy your car, you need to be aware that an insurance policy is your protection against untoward incidents such as collision or even theft. In New Zealand, it is not a mandatory requirement for drivers or car owners to buy policy coverage.
However, vehicular accidents can happen
anytime, anywhere and to anyone. For this reason, it is wise to at least
have third party insurance for your vehicle. Vehicular accidents can be
very costly, especially if you have collided with another vehicle and
damaged it. To avoid huge inconvenience and expense, it is highly
recommended that you insure your car.
Your policy costs and coverage are determined by several factors such
as the type of car, your driving record, your age, occupation and your
financial situation. But before you buy cover for your vehicle, you must
first understand the options and your responsibilities.Even if vehicle cover is optional in New Zealand, it does not mean that you should not arrange an adequate policy. In fact, it is ideal that you get a full coverage so that you will have better protection in the event of any car accident. Here are some guidelines that you can consider, to identify your car insurance needs.